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How Much Does It Cost to Replace an AC Blower Motor in Phoenix?

Updated April 2024

In need of a blower motor replacement in the Phoenix area?

You’re probably wondering how much that will cost you, right? Well, the cost depends on a lot of factors but we’ll give you a generic range to help you budget.

The cost to replace an AC blower motor in Phoenix ranges from $900 to $2,300.

We’ll discuss the 2 price factors that determine the cost of a blower motor replacement:

First though, let’s take a quick look at what your central AC’s blower motor actually does.

The only way to get an accurate quote for your Phoenix blower motor replacement is to have a professional inspect your unit. Contact us for an honest and fair quote.

What does a central AC blower do?

Your central AC blower, also called the “indoor air handler fan”, is responsible for:

  • Pulling warm air into the AC system
  • Pushing cool air through ductwork and back into your home

(So, yeah, it’s pretty important.)

Note: To be clear, the AC blower is controlled by an electric motor which is housed inside the blower/fan. So when we say “blower motor”, we’re referring to the two parts as one complex component.

The blower motor sits inside the “air handler”, otherwise known as the indoor unit (see below).

A diagram showing where a blower motor is located in an air conditioner

Location of blower motor.

The important thing to remember is that your furnace and your AC share the blower motor. So, if you’ve been told that your blower motor is bad and needs to be replaced, this is technically an AC and a furnace repair in one, which helps put the overall blower motor replacement cost in perspective.

Speaking of cost, let’s take a closer look at the 2 main factors that will affect the cost of your blower motor replacement.

2 blower motor replacement cost factors

Cost factor #1: Parts

How much you’ll pay for replacement parts depends on:

What actually needs to be replaced

Your AC blower motor is actually comprised of 3 main parts (listed below from least to most expensive):

  • The capacitor. The capacitor is a small cylindrical device attached to the side of the blower that helps the motor to run more efficiently.
  • The fan. Sometimes called the “squirrel cage”, this is the part that rotates to distribute air throughout the home.
  • The electric motor. This motor provides electrical power to the fan.

Sometimes, only one of these components needs replacement, other times all 3 need to be replaced. It just depends on the extent of the damage.

The size of your AC

Your blower motor must be sized to be able to match the capacity of your overall AC system, so the larger your AC, the larger your replacement blower motor—and larger blower motors cost more.

Your AC system is sized in “tonnage”, which refers to how much heat it can remove from your home in an hour. Residential ACs are typically anywhere from 1 to 5 tons. Not sure what size AC you have? Follow the instructions in this article or contact the HVAC company that installed your AC.

What kind of blower motor you need

There are 3 different kinds of blower motors (listed below from most to least expensive):

  1. Single-speed
  2. Multi-speed
  3. Variable-speed

The important thing to understand is that if you’re only replacing the blower motor, you don’t have a choice in the type of blower motor you get. For example, if you currently have a multi-speed AC unit, you’re getting a multi-speed blower motor.

So what’s the difference between these types of blower motors?

It really all comes down to how fast the motor rotates the fan. For example:

  • Single-speed blower motors can only work at 1 speed: HIGH (100%)
  • Multi-speed blower motors can work at up to 3 speeds: LOW (30%), MEDIUM (70%) and HIGH (100%)
  • Variable-speed blower motors can ramp up/down according to the level of cooling needed and can hit any speed between 0% to 100%

Have a single-stage AC system but want to upgrade to a multi-speed or variable-speed blower motor? You would need to talk to a professional about upgrading your AC system.

Related: Is a Variable-Speed AC Worth It in Phoenix?

Whether the parts are “OEM” vs “non-OEM”

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts are typically more expensive than non-OEM parts.

Why? OEM parts come straight from the manufacturer and were actually designed to work with your specific AC system. These parts have also been tested for strength, safety and durability.

Be warned, though: using non-OEM parts for your AC repairs could void your AC warranty. So always ask your tech whether they provide OEM or non-OEM parts.

Cost factor #2: Labor

How much you pay for labor depends on:

How many quotes you get

When you contact a professional to come out and inspect your blower motor for a quote, they will charge a “diagnostic fee”, sometimes called a “service charge” or “trip charge”.

This fee can range from $50 to $150 and covers the cost for the professional to come out, inspect and diagnose the problem. This charge does not cover the actual repair/replacement.

The good news is that most professionals will waive this fee if you choose them to perform the repair/replacement. The bad news is that if you’re getting several quotes, you’ll have to pay a separate diagnostic charge for each quote.

The time of year

Here in Phoenix, most HVAC companies will raise their labor prices during the hot summer months. That’s because techs are usually in high demand during these times (ACs are more apt to break down when they’re overworked).

Accessibility of the blower motor

The location of your air handler affects how much you’ll pay in labor costs for your blower motor replacement.

For example, if your blower motor is located in a hard-to-access place like in the attic or in a basement, you’ll pay more for labor. If the air handler is in an easy-to-reach location, such as in an interior closet, you’ll pay less for labor.

The professional you choose

Typically, higher-quality companies/techs charge slightly higher prices for repairs/replacements.

What you’re basically paying for is more experience, higher skill and a job that’s done correctly the first time. That said, when vetting higher-priced HVAC techs/companies, make sure that they:

  • Have been in business 10+ years
  • Have plenty of experience in blower motor replacements
  • Can offer 2–3 referrals from past customers
  • Offers upfront estimates in writing

Need a quote for your AC blower motor replacement?

Our fully-stocked trucks are located in neighborhoods all over the Phoenix metro area AND we offer free service calls with repairs.

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